reasons you cannot sleep at night

reasons you cannot sleep at night   On the off chance that you end up laying there around evening time, standing by frantically for rest to come, you might ponder motivations behind why you can’t rest. This is generally regularly because of a sleeping disorder, however there are different circumstances and makes that could startlingly influence […]

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phone addiction 📴

Phone addiction How to manage your phone addiction?  Phone dependancy is the obsessive use of a smartphone. The behavioral dependancy is regularly dubbed as “nomophobia,” or the concern of being except a cellular device. There are over 3.8 billion smartphone customers in the world. Research posted with the aid of Virgin Mobile observed that these

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Exploring the Exciting World of Dopamine Nations

‍ Exploring the Exciting World of Dopamine Nations  dopamine nations  Have you ever heard of dopamine nations? It’s an exciting concept that’s been gaining traction in recent years and is quickly becoming a hot topic of conversation. Dopamine nations are nations of people connected through shared goals, values, and interests – and they’re becoming more and

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why we becomes to villain

  Human beings can become evil when they are driven by negative emotions, such as anger, fear, jealousy, or hatred. When these emotions are not properly managed and controlled, they can lead to destructive behavior. Additionally, certain social and cultural norms can lead to the justification of violence and evil acts. For example, in certain

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 Schizophrenia   Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is not, and may have hallucinations and delusions. They may also have problems with memory, attention, and motivation, and may have difficulty functioning in daily life.

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